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Memories of Our Fallen

Here at Our Memories in Motion, we understand the sacrifices the men and women of our military and EMS units, along with their families, endure to keep us safe.  These men and women put their lives on the line every day to protect our freedoms.  When these men and women give the ultimate sacrifice, it is our duty to take care of their families.  This is how Memories of Our Fallen started.  Memories of Our Fallen is for families of those military and EMS units, who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  Our Memories in Motion will provide you with a free memorial of your loved one.  While we understand this is small in comparison to the sacrifices you and your loved one have made, we feel this memorial will continue the legacy of your loved one.  We have been lucky to partner with some great music artists who have allowed us to use their music in these memorials to make your loved one's memorial extra special.  If you, or someone you know, has lost a loved one in the military (current conflicts) or EMS, please fill out the form below.  We look forward to continuing your loved one's legacy.

Lance Corporal Jeramy Alan Ailes

Lance Corporal Jeramy Alan Ailes died going house to house searching for dangerous insurgents from around the Arab country in Fallujah, Iraq, on November 15, 2004.  Jeramy wanted to be the first one in the houses they searched to help protect the ones under him.   Jeramy entered the United States Marines after 9/11.
On his first tour to Iraq, he saw how bad the living conditions were and he handed out his own $10 bills to families in need.  He knew what he had and what they didn’t and he felt for the people of Iraq.  
On his second tour, he called home asking his family to send soccer balls for him to pass out to the children, remembering his love for soccer as a child.  One day while on patrol, he rescued a little girl from carrying a heavy hay bale in the hot sun, and after having a few words with the father, the father was carrying it in the end.  
Jeramy’s words to his family, friends and community on his birthday, twelve days before he died and before going into Fallujah were “If anything happens to me, or if I die, tell my parents that I love them, tell everyone that I love them, and that I am doing this for the people back home”.  
Bio Provided by Jeramy's Mother

Sergeant Ashly Moyer

Ashly Lynn Moyer grew up in the Macungie, Emmaus area. A beautiful young woman with brown hair and blue eyes. Ashly loved life. Petite in stature, but mighty in determination, the strength she possessed put most grown men to shame. She had a million dollar smile with a matching personality.

Ashly graduated from Emmaus High in 2003. That same year she enlisted in the Army Reserve and attended the Military Police School in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, graduating in March, 2004. Ashly was an active service member of the United States Army, 630th Military Police Company stationed in Bamberg, Germany.

Her first assignment took her to Guantanomo Bay, Cuba where she served as a prison guard. After spending about a year at home Ashly returned to active duty. She was stationed in Bamberg, Germany for five months before being sent to Iraq. She was assigned as a driver and was very proud of her vehicle. Ashly loved her army “family” with great passion. She was promoted to Sergeant shortly before her death. She died in Baghdad, Iraq on March 3, 2007 when an IED exploded under the armored patrol vehicle she was driving.

Ashly was the 21st person from the Lehigh Valley and the 71st female service member to die since the war began. She was 21 years old.

Ashly is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 60, an area devoted to the soldiers of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Bio Provided by Ashly's Mother

Sergeant Christopher Geiger

Chris was a military/history buff since he was very young. As a young boy (approx. 5 or 6 years old) he was reciting our nation's presidents, in order, forward and back. Throughout his youth you could always find him playing army,marching or with his nose in a history book. There was never any doubt, that one day, he would actually join the military.


He enlisted in the Army in 1983 where he served 4 years active duty and spent the rest of his career with the Pa National Guard. During this time, he also began civil war re-enacting, his favorite military study. He also enrolled at Penn State where he studied history.

Immediately after 9/11 Chris deployed for airport security along with the PA State Police at the Lehigh Valley International Airport.He went to Afghanistan in 2003 with the 213th ASG out of Allentown Pa. He was stationed at Camp Tiger on the Baghram Air Force base. He died in Afghanistan on July 9th 2003 after only being there for two weeks.

Captain Mark T. Resh

Mark Thomas Resh was born on July 22, 1978 and grew up in Fogelsville (Lowhill Township) with his older brother Matt. Mark was a respectful and loving person and respected by his peers. He was quiet but when he had something to say it was usually funny. His personality showed in his smile, which he always wore, and he never complained about anything. Mark was a good friend and brought his new friends into his established circle of friends.

He set goals and always reached his goals.  Mark only lived for 28 short years when he lost his life fighting for his country, but he realized his dreams and did more in those 28 years than most people do if they live to be 80 or 90 years old.

Mark was a leader in many ways. He was an Eagle Scout which he was so proud of. He was also the captain of his soccer team at Northwestern High School in his senior year, which he graduated from in 1996. Mark than went on to the University of Pittsburgh on an ROTC Scholarship and graduated summa cum laude in April of 2001 with a degree in electrical engineering. He was commissioned as a 2nd LT in the Army in May of 2001. One of his dreams was realized when he was chosen to fly the Apache helicopter.

Mark’s first assignment after flight school took him to Germany where he only spent 5 months before being deployed to Iraq in May of 2003. He was the Unit Movement Officer for this deployment as well as being in charge of arming and refueling. This tour lasted 15 months. Mark returned to the states and found himself at Fort Hood, Texas with the 1st Cavalry Division when he was deployed again in October of 2006. This deployment he was the Unit Movement Officer again and the Supply Officer. He was able to fly more on this tour which made him very happy.

Mark was shot down during a reconnaissance mission on January 28, 2007 along with the other pilot Cornell Chao. They protected their wingman by taking the fire on their aircraft so the other Apache would be safe. They were both posthumously awarded the Silver Star for their actions that day.

Mark’s final resting place is at Cedar Hill Memorial Park in Allentown, Pa.

Bio Provided by Mark's Mother

LCPL Nicholas Rodriguez

Nick was a strong Marine and loved serving our country. The day he died a part of me died with him. I am so very proud of him and will always miss and love him.

Bio Provided By Anna Rodriguez (mother)

SPC Taylor Neil Mereider

SPC Taylor Neil Mereider joined the United States Army in 2009, SPC Mereider served as a Combat Engineer in the 42nd Clearance Company and was stationed in Bamberg, Germany. He served in Ghazni, Afghanistan, where his unit did route clearance. Taylor excelled in operating all of the Army’s tactical vehicles and shared his knowledge. His unit and others felt safer when he was operating the "Husky" vehicle to detect and find IEDs. He completed his service in 2013, earning many commendations and medals. Since he loved to cook, he would help organize Holiday dinners and meals with his comrades overseas. He enjoyed spending time with his closest military brothers. After the service, he opened his own meal prep business, “Savage Meals", a fitness-oriented business. He enjoyed bodybuilding, being a chef, and playing poker. He was an entrepreneur, an avid reader and was taking classes to become a Personal Trainer. He had a good heart and made people laugh, he was a comedian and it was hard to stay mad at him. Taylor was gifted mechanically and with operating heavy equipment.

Bio Provided By Bonnie and Frank Cullen

SGT Jeremy Emerich

Jeremy was born in West Reading on Aug 3rd, 1979. Jeremy joined the fire service in 1997 where he was a member of the Walnuttown fire department and later transferred to Fleetwood fire dept. He also joined the military on March 24, 1997, where he completed Infantry training at Fort Benning. His first tour was to Germany and then Iraq. While in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) he provided security to the 787th unit (EOD). The 2 units he was attached to for deployments were 1-213thADA and D112IN. Jeremy decided to leave the military service 13 yrs later as an SGT on March 24, 2010. He was committed to serving his county and his community. After leaving the military he worked full time in the EMS service. In Oct 2012 he became a paid houseman (firefighter) for Exeter Township Fire Dept. In June 2013 he left working EMS full time to become a critical care EMT for Lehigh Valley MedEvac. Jeremy continued to work 911 EMS for Bally and also provide fire services for Grandview Speedway. Very seldom Jeremy would take a day off of work because he loved the jobs he did. He would take new members in the fire service and try to guide them the best he could. He would take the time to explain the equipment and how operations should be. He was always there for family and friends. He would give the shirt off his back to anyone or lending a helping hand as he would make time for his friends and family. At times he could be stubborn but he always had a heart of gold. Sadly his life was taken way too soon on May 21, 2020, at 40 yrs of age. Jeremy as laid to rest on May 28th, 2020 at Berks County Memorial Gardens.

Bio provided by Shana Konek


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484 335-3799

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